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1 2 3 4Comment l'âge, le sexe et l’alternance jour/nuit modulent la connectivité cérébrale
Publication d’une étude montrant l’impact du sexe, de l’âge et des conditions d’éclairage sur les réseaux impliqués dans le traitement de la mémoire.
Des agents de contraste high-tech pour l’imagerie biomédicale
Des agents de contraste high-tech pour l’imagerie biomédicale
New CRMBM study about 7T pTx MRI of the spinal cord makes the MRM cover!
New CRMBM study about 7T pTx MRI of the spinal cord makes the MRM cover!
CRMBM deep-learning muscle MRI segmentation makes the cover!
CRMBM deep-learning muscle MRI segmentation makes the JMRI cover!
Le CRMBM recycle son matériel informatique!
Dans le cadre de sa politique développement durable, le CRMBM a participé massivement à l'opération de collecte de déchets électroniques lancée par AMU.
Closing of the EPINOV project
The CRMBM participated in the closing of RHU-EPINOV "Study of the role of large-scale modeling of epileptogenic networks in the prognosis of epilepsy surgery".
New collaborative NeuroMRI book on the shelves!
From an initiative launched by our associate director Maxime Guye, Karin Markenroth Bloch and Benedikt Poser, a brand new book dedicated to Ultra-high field (7 Tesla) Neuro-MRI is just our on the shelves!
The CRMBM-CEMEREM & Multiwave Imaging pioneers ultra-low field MRI
We are thrilled to unveil an exciting and groundbreaking alliance between Multiwave Imaging and the CRMBM to surmount technical barriers in pursuit of portable ultra-low field (ULF) MRI. This synergistic endeavor will aim to bring MRI to patients, a brand visionary paradigm shift that will be achieved through new heights of innovation.
Benedikt Poser visit at CRMBM: May 3-4th 2023
Don't miss Ben Poser's talk on Wednesday, May 3rd at 2 pm at CEMEREM!
CRMBM shining at the 2023 SFRMBM
Members of the CRMBM lab were active on the stage of the 2023 SFRMBM.