Preclinical Equipement

Bruker Pharmascan® 70/16
Bruker 500WB Avance 11.75T
Bruker 400WB Avance 9.4T
Multinuclear high field MRI/MRS systems for small animal in vivo imaging studies equipped with radiofrequency probes for body, brain, spinal cord, muscle and cardio-vascular studies.
Multinuclear high resolution MR spectrometers for perfused organs, biological fluids equipped with 5mm, 100mm and 20 mm multinuclear probes
MR-compatible rat and mouse monitoring and gating systems are avalaible for all MR experiments
Several home-built cradles were specifically designed for the strictively non invasive functional investigation of rat and mouse muscle with 1H/31P coils included
The platform includes animal facilities with space to prepare the rats and mice for MR exams, an equipped surgery room and a wide assortment of ancillary equipment, i.e. anesthesia machines, infusion pumps, heating pads.