Directory Find all the profiles of the laboratory team. Filter byCategoryAllAdministration servicesCardiovascular SystemCentral Nervous SystemDirectionFormer MembersiLab-SpineInfection Inflammation MetabolismMusculoskeletal SystemPlatform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 GIANNESINI Benoît Research Associate (PhD) / CNRS +334 91 32 48 07 GIANNESINI Benoît Research Associate (PhD) / CNRS GIMENEZ Véronique Medical Administrative Assistant / AP-HM +33 4 91 38 84 07 GIMENEZ Véronique Medical Administrative Assistant / AP-HM GIRARD Olivier Research Engineer (PhD) / AMU +33 4 91 38 62 62 GIRARD Olivier Research Engineer (PhD) / AMU GRAPPERON Aude-Marie Medical Doctor (MD) / AP-HM GRAPPERON Aude-Marie Medical Doctor (MD) / AP-HM GRIMALDI Stephan Medical Doctor (MD) / AMU AP-HM +33 4 91 38 48 07 GRIMALDI Stephan Medical Doctor (MD) / AMU AP-HM GUIS Sandrine Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM GUIS Sandrine Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM GUYE Maxime Professor at AMU, MD, PhD +33 4 91 38 84 64 GUYE Maxime Professor at AMU, MD, PhD GUYOT Ludivine Technician / CNRS GUYOT Ludivine Technician / CNRS HAAST Roy Post-doctoral Fellow (PhD) / AMU HAAST Roy Post-doctoral Fellow (PhD) / AMU HOSTIN Marc-Adrien PhD Student / AMU HOSTIN Marc-Adrien PhD Student / AMU JACQUIER Alexis Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM JACQUIER Alexis Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM JOUENNE Alexis PhD Student / AMU JOUENNE Alexis PhD Student / AMU Afficher plus de contacts
GIANNESINI Benoît Research Associate (PhD) / CNRS +334 91 32 48 07 GIANNESINI Benoît Research Associate (PhD) / CNRS
GIMENEZ Véronique Medical Administrative Assistant / AP-HM +33 4 91 38 84 07 GIMENEZ Véronique Medical Administrative Assistant / AP-HM
GIRARD Olivier Research Engineer (PhD) / AMU +33 4 91 38 62 62 GIRARD Olivier Research Engineer (PhD) / AMU
GRIMALDI Stephan Medical Doctor (MD) / AMU AP-HM +33 4 91 38 48 07 GRIMALDI Stephan Medical Doctor (MD) / AMU AP-HM
GUIS Sandrine Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM GUIS Sandrine Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM
GUYE Maxime Professor at AMU, MD, PhD +33 4 91 38 84 64 GUYE Maxime Professor at AMU, MD, PhD
HAAST Roy Post-doctoral Fellow (PhD) / AMU HAAST Roy Post-doctoral Fellow (PhD) / AMU
HOSTIN Marc-Adrien PhD Student / AMU HOSTIN Marc-Adrien PhD Student / AMU
JACQUIER Alexis Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM JACQUIER Alexis Medical Doctor (MD) Professor (MD, PhD) / AMU AP-HM