FREBOURG Guillaume
PhD Student / AMU
Download my Resume (EN)
Detailed Activities
- Image Processing
- New MR Biomarkers
- Perfusion Methods
- Quantitative MRI
- Spinal Cord
- Ultra-high field MRI
Research Projects
Publications :
Sellal, F., Wallon, D., Martinez-Almoyna, L., Marelli, C., Dhar, A., Oesterlé, H., Rovelet-Lecrux, A., Rousseau, S., Kourkoulis, C.E., Rosand, J., DiPucchio, Z.Y., Frosch, M., Gombert, C., Audoin, B., Miné, M., Riant, F., Frebourg, T., Hannequin, D., Campion, D., Greenberg, S.M., Tournier-Lasserve, E. and Nicolas, G. (2017) ‘APP Mutations in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy with or without Cortical Calcifications: Report of Three Families and a Literature Review’, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 56(1), pp. 37–46. Available at: