CALLOT Virginie

Research Director (PhD)


Head of Spinal Cord MR Imaging research group

Coordinator of the IRL/LIA iLab-Spine

Research Director (PhD)

Download my Resume (EN)

Detailed Activities

The general objective of the Spinal Cord MR Imaging research group is to improve the non invasive characterization of the spinal cord impairments and to help in the description of the spinal cord pathophysiological mechanisms using quantitative and multi-parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
The global project relies on methodological developments (MR techniques leading to structural and functional information, post-processing tools such as probabilistic MR atlas) and their applications to dedicated spinal cord pathologies. The project is developed transversally, on mouse models using the 11.75T MR system, and on humans using clinical research (1.5T, 3T) and ultra-high field (7T) MR systems.
Current pathological investigations include Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in collaboration with the Neurology Department of La Timone Hospital (APHM, Pr. B. Audoin, Pr. J. Pelletier, Pr. S. Attarian, Dr. A. Verschueren), as well as Cervicarthrosic Myelopathy (CSM) in collaboration with the Neurosurgery Department of the North Hospital (APHM, Pr. PH. Roche), but also normal Ageing and sport-related microtraumatism such as encountered in Rugby.
One part of the project additionally combines MR and biomechanical computational modeling in order to provide an extensive and multi-physic description of traumatic and degenerative spinal cord pathologies (International Research Laboratory (IRL/LIA) “ iLab-Spine ”, France/Canada).


  • Image Processing
  • Microstructure/architecture
  • New MR Biomarkers
  • Perfusion Methods
  • Quantitative MRI
  • Spinal Cord
  • Ultra-high field MRI
  • MR Templates
  • Morphometry
  • Diffusion
  • Probabilistic atlas
  • Neurodegenerative pathologies

General Information

. Co-director of the iLab-Spine (International Research Laboratory (IRL/LIA) on Spine Imaging and Biomechanics, France/Canada)

. Member of CoNRS (Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique) – Section 28 (Pharmacologie, ingénierie et technologies pour la santé, imagerie biomédicale)

. Scientific Council member of FLI-RE2 (France Life Imaging – Réseau d’Expertise « Instrumentation et Innovation Technologique »)

. Scientific Council member of the IRME (Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moelle Epinière)

. Vice Chair of the Club de Recherche sur la Moelle Epinière et ses Pathologies (CMEP)

. Member of the CRMBM Unit Council

. Board member of the SFRMBM (Société Française de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale) from 2012-2019

Research Projects

Publications :

Farah, K., Mchinda, S., Pini, L., Baucher, G., Roche, P.-H., Fuentes, S. and Callot, V. (2025) ‘T1 mapping using MP2RAGE in degenerative cervical myelopathy: a longitudinal study’, European Spine Journal [Preprint]. Available at:
Lebret, A., Frese, S., Lévy, S., Curt, A., Callot, V., Freund, P. and Seif, M. (2024) ‘Spinal cord blood perfusion deficit is associated with clinical impairment after spinal cord injury’, Journal of Neurotrauma [Preprint]. Available at:
Labounek, R., Bondy, M.T., Paulson, A.L., Bédard, S., Abramovic, M., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Atcheson, N.T., Barlow, L.R., Barry, R.L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M.D., Callot, V., Combes, A., Leener, B.D., Descoteaux, M., Sousa, P.L. de, Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A.V., Eippert, F., Epperson, K.R., Epperson, K.S., Freund, P., Finsterbusch, J., Foias, A., Fratini, M., Fukunaga, I., Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M.G., Germani, G., Gilbert, G., Giove, F., Grussu, F., Hagiwara, A., Henry, P.-G., Horák, T., Hori, M., Joers, J.M., Kamiya, K., Karbasforoushan, H., Keřkovský, M., Khatibi, A., Kim, J., Kinany, N., Kitzler, H., Kolind, S., Kong, Y., Kudlička, P., Kuntke, P., Kurniawan, N.D., Kusmia, S., Laganà, M.M., Laule, C., Law, C.S.W., Leutritz, T., Liu, Y., Llufriu, S., Mackey, S., Martin, A.R., Martinez-Heras, E., Mattera, L., O’Grady, K.P., Papinutto, N., Papp, D., Pareto, D., Parrish, T.B., Pichiecchio, A., Prados, F., Rovira, À., Ruitenberg, M.J., Samson, R.S., Savini, G., Seif, M., Seifert, A.C., Smith, A.K., Smith, S.A., Smith, Z.A., Solana, E., Suzuki, Y., Tackley, G.W., Tinnermann, A., Valošek, J., Ville, D.V.D., Yiannakas, M.C., Weber, K.A., Weiskopf, N., Wise, R.G., Wyss, P.O., Xu, J., Cohen-Adad, J., Lenglet, C. and Nestrašil, I. (2024) ‘Body size interacts with the structure of the central nervous system: A multi-center in vivo neuroimaging study’. bioRxiv. Available at:
Lebret, A., Lévy, S., Pfender, N., Farshad, M., Altorfer, F.C.S., Callot, V., Curt, A., Freund, P. and Seif, M. (2023) ‘Investigation of perfusion impairment in degenerative cervical myelopathy beyond the site of cord compression’, Scientific Reports, 13(1), p. 22660. Available at:
Testud, B., Fabiani, N., Demortière, S., Mchinda, S., Medina, N.L., Pelletier, J., Guye, M., Audoin, B., Stellmann, J.P. and Callot, V. (2023) ‘Contribution of the MP2RAGE 7T Sequence in MS Lesions of the Cervical Spinal Cord’, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 44(9), pp. 1101–1107. Available at:
Destruel, A., Mauconduit, F., Massire, A., Abdeddaim, R., Guye, M., Gras, V. and Callot, V. (2023) ‘Optimized interferometric encoding of presaturated TurboFLASH B1 mapping for parallel transmission MRI at 7 T: Preliminary application for quantitative T1 mapping in the spinal cord’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 90(4), pp. 1328–1344. Available at:
Forodighasemabadi, A., Baucher, G., Soustelle, L., Troalen, T., Girard, O.M., Guye, M., Grisoli, J.-B., Ranjeva, J.-P., Duhamel, G. and Callot, V. (2022) ‘Spinal cord and brain tissue impairments as long-term effects of rugby practice? An exploratory study based on T1 and ihMTsat measures’, NeuroImage. Clinical, 35, p. 103124. Available at:
Roussel, T., Le Fur, Y., Guye, M., Viout, P., Ranjeva, J.-P. and Callot, V. (2022) ‘Respiratory-triggered quantitative MR spectroscopy of the human cervical spinal cord at 7 T’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 87(6), pp. 2600–2612. Available at:
Forodighasemabadi, A., Rasoanandrianina, H., El Mendili, M.M., Guye, M. and Callot, V. (2021) ‘An optimized MP2RAGE sequence for studying both brain and cervical spinal cord in a single acquisition at 3T’, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 84, pp. 18–26. Available at:
Medina, N.J.L., Gros, C., Cohen-Adad, J., Callot, V. and Troter, A.L. (2021) ‘2D Multi-Class Model for Gray and White Matter Segmentation of the Cervical Spinal Cord at 7T’. arXiv. Available at:
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R.L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A.J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P.L., Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., Eippert, F., Epperson, K.R., Epperson, K.S., Freund, P., Finsterbusch, J., Foias, A., Fratini, M., Fukunaga, I., Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M.G., Germani, G., Gilbert, G., Giove, F., Gros, C., Grussu, F., Hagiwara, A., Henry, P.-G., Horák, T., Hori, M., Joers, J., Kamiya, K., Karbasforoushan, H., Keřkovský, M., Khatibi, A., Kim, J.-W., Kinany, N., Kitzler, H., Kolind, S., Kong, Y., Kudlička, P., Kuntke, P., Kurniawan, N.D., Kusmia, S., Labounek, R., Laganà, M.M., Laule, C., Law, C.S., Lenglet, C., Leutritz, T., Liu, Y., Llufriu, S., Mackey, S., Martinez-Heras, E., Mattera, L., Nestrasil, I., O’Grady, K.P., Papinutto, N., Papp, D., Pareto, D., Parrish, T.B., Pichiecchio, A., Prados, F., Rovira, À., Ruitenberg, M.J., Samson, R.S., Savini, G., Seif, M., Seifert, A.C., Smith, A.K., Smith, S.A., Smith, Z.A., Solana, E., Suzuki, Y., Tackley, G., Tinnermann, A., Valošek, J., Van De Ville, D., Yiannakas, M.C., Weber, K.A., Weiskopf, N., Wise, R.G., Wyss, P.O. and Xu, J. (2021) ‘Generic acquisition protocol for quantitative MRI of the spinal cord’, Nature Protocols, 16(10), pp. 4611–4632. Available at:
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R.L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A.J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P.L., Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., Eippert, F., Epperson, K.R., Epperson, K.S., Freund, P., Finsterbusch, J., Foias, A., Fratini, M., Fukunaga, I., Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M., Germani, G., Gilbert, G., Giove, F., Gros, C., Grussu, F., Hagiwara, A., Henry, P.-G., Horák, T., Hori, M., Joers, J., Kamiya, K., Karbasforoushan, H., Keřkovský, M., Khatibi, A., Kim, J.-W., Kinany, N., Kitzler, H.H., Kolind, S., Kong, Y., Kudlička, P., Kuntke, P., Kurniawan, N.D., Kusmia, S., Labounek, R., Laganà, M.M., Laule, C., Law, C.S., Lenglet, C., Leutritz, T., Liu, Y., Llufriu, S., Mackey, S., Martinez-Heras, E., Mattera, L., Nestrasil, I., O’Grady, K.P., Papinutto, N., Papp, D., Pareto, D., Parrish, T.B., Pichiecchio, A., Prados, F., Rovira, À., Ruitenberg, M.J., Samson, R.S., Savini, G., Seif, M., Seifert, A.C., Smith, A.K., Smith, S.A., Smith, Z.A., Solana, E., Suzuki, Y., Tackley, G., Tinnermann, A., Valošek, J., Van De Ville, D., Yiannakas, M.C., Weber Ii, K.A., Weiskopf, N., Wise, R.G., Wyss, P.O. and Xu, J. (2021) ‘Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers’, Scientific Data, 8(1), p. 219. Available at:
Baucher, G., Rasoanandrianina, H., Levy, S., Pini, L., Troude, L., Roche, P.-H. and Callot, V. (2021) ‘T1 Mapping for Microstructural Assessment of the Cervical Spinal Cord in the Evaluation of Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy’, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 42(7), pp. 1348–1357. Available at:
Callot, V., Massire, A., Guye, M., Attarian, S. and Verschueren, A. (2021) ‘Visualization of Gray Matter Atrophy and Anterior Corticospinal Tract Signal Hyperintensity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using 7T MRI’, Neurology, 96(23), pp. 1094–1095. Available at:
Lévy, S., Roche, P.-H., Guye, M. and Callot, V. (2021) ‘Feasibility of human spinal cord perfusion mapping using dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging at 7T: Preliminary results and identified guidelines’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 85(3), pp. 1183–1194. Available at:
Massire, A., Seiler, C., Troalen, T., Girard, O.M., Lehmann, P., Brun, G., Bartoli, A., Audoin, B., Bartolomei, F., Pelletier, J., Callot, V., Kober, T., Ranjeva, J.-P. and Guye, M. (2021) ‘T1-Based Synthetic Magnetic Resonance Contrasts Improve Multiple Sclerosis and Focal Epilepsy Imaging at 7 T’, Investigative Radiology, 56(2), pp. 127–133. Available at:
Cohen-Adad, J., Alonso-Ortiz, E., Abramovic, M., Arneitz, C., Atcheson, N., Barlow, L., Barry, R.L., Barth, M., Battiston, M., Büchel, C., Budde, M., Callot, V., Combes, A.J.E., De Leener, B., Descoteaux, M., de Sousa, P.L., Dostál, M., Doyon, J., Dvorak, A., Eippert, F., Epperson, K.R., Epperson, K.S., Freund, P., Finsterbusch, J., Foias, A., Fratini, M., Fukunaga, I., Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M., Germani, G., Gilbert, G., Giove, F., Gros, C., Grussu, F., Hagiwara, A., Henry, P.-G., Horák, T., Hori, M., Joers, J., Kamiya, K., Karbasforoushan, H., Keřkovský, M., Khatibi, A., Kim, J.-W., Kinany, N., Kitzler, H.H., Kolind, S., Kong, Y., Kudlička, P., Kuntke, P., Kurniawan, N.D., Kusmia, S., Labounek, R., Laganà, M.M., Laule, C., Law, C.S., Lenglet, C., Leutritz, T., Liu, Y., Llufriu, S., Mackey, S., Martinez-Heras, E., Mattera, L., Nestrasil, I., O’Grady, K.P., Papinutto, N., Papp, D., Pareto, D., Parrish, T.B., Pichiecchio, A., Prados, F., Rovira, À., Ruitenberg, M.J., Samson, R.S., Savini, G., Seif, M., Seifert, A.C., Smith, A.K., Smith, S.A., Smith, Z.A., Solana, E., Suzuki, Y., Tackley, G., Tinnermann, A., Valošek, J., Van De Ville, D., Yiannakas, M.C., Weber II, K.A., Weiskopf, N., Wise, R.G., Wyss, P.O. and Xu, J. (2021) ‘Author Correction: Open-access quantitative MRI data of the spinal cord and reproducibility across participants, sites and manufacturers’, Scientific Data, 8(1), p. 242. Available at:
Lévy, S., Baucher, G., Roche, P.-H., Evin, M., Callot, V. and Arnoux, P.-J. (2020) ‘Biomechanical comparison of spinal cord compression types occurring in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy’, Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), p. 105174. Available at:
Lévy, S., Rapacchi, S., Massire, A., Troalen, T., Feiweier, T., Guye, M. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Intravoxel Incoherent Motion at 7 Tesla to quantify human spinal cord perfusion: limitations and promises’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 84(3), pp. 1198–1217. Available at:
Sudres, P., Evin, M., Arnoux, P.-J. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Cervical Canal Morphology: Effects of Neck Flexion in Normal Condition: New Elements for Biomechanical Simulations and Surgical Management’, Spine, 45(16), pp. 1102–1109. Available at:
Kerbrat, A., Gros, C., Badji, A., Bannier, E., Galassi, F., Combès, B., Chouteau, R., Labauge, P., Ayrignac, X., Carra-Dalliere, C., Maranzano, J., Granberg, T., Ouellette, R., Stawiarz, L., Hillert, J., Talbott, J., Tachibana, Y., Hori, M., Kamiya, K., Chougar, L., Lefeuvre, J., Reich, D.S., Nair, G., Valsasina, P., Rocca, M.A., Filippi, M., Chu, R., Bakshi, R., Callot, V., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Maarouf, A., Collongues, N., De Seze, J., Edan, G. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2020) ‘Multiple sclerosis lesions in motor tracts from brain to cervical cord: spatial distribution and correlation with disability’, Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 143(7), pp. 2089–2105. Available at:
Rasoanandrianina, H., Demortière, S., Trabelsi, A., Ranjeva, J.P., Girard, O., Duhamel, G., Guye, M., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Sensitivity of the Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer Imaging Technique to Spinal Cord Damage in Multiple Sclerosis’, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 41(5), pp. 929–937. Available at:
Demortière, S., Lehmann, P., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Improved Cervical Cord Lesion Detection with 3D-MP2RAGE Sequence in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis’, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 41(6), pp. 1131–1134. Available at:
Massire, A., Rasoanandrianina, H., Guye, M. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Anterior fissure, central canal, posterior septum and more: New insights into the cervical spinal cord gray and white matter regional organization using T1 mapping at 7T’, NeuroImage, 205, p. 116275. Available at:
Benacchio, S., Doutres, O., Varoquaux, A., Wagnac, É., Le Troter, A., Callot, V. and Sgard, F. (2019) ‘Use of magnetic resonance image registration to estimate displacement in the human earcanal due to the insertion of in-ear devices’, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(4), p. 2452. Available at:
Combès, B., Monteau, L., Bannier, E., Callot, V., Labauge, P., Ayrignac, X., Carra Dallière, C., Pelletier, J., Maarouf, A., de Seze, J., Collongues, N., Barillot, C., Edan, G., Ferré, J.C., Kerbrat, A. and EMISEP study group (2019) ‘Measurement of magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) from cervical spinal cord: Multicenter reproducibility and variability’, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging: JMRI, 49(6), pp. 1777–1785. Available at:
Rasoanandrianina, H., Massire, A., Taso, M., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P., Kober, T. and Callot, V. (2019) ‘Regional T1 mapping of the whole cervical spinal cord using an optimized MP2RAGE sequence’, NMR in biomedicine, 32(11), p. e4142. Available at:
Combès, B., Kerbrat, A., Ferré, J.C., Callot, V., Maranzano, J., Badji, A., Le Page, E., Labauge, P., Ayrignac, X., Carra Dallière, C., de Champfleur, N.M., Pelletier, J., Maarouf, A., de Seze, J., Collongues, N., Brassat, D., Durand-Dubief, F., Barillot, C., Bannier, E. and Edan, G. (2019) ‘Focal and diffuse cervical spinal cord damage in patients with early relapsing-remitting MS: A multicentre magnetisation transfer ratio study’, Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), 25(8), pp. 1113–1123. Available at:
Eden, D., Gros, C., Badji, A., Dupont, S.M., De Leener, B., Maranzano, J., Zhuoquiong, R., Liu, Y., Granberg, T., Ouellette, R., Stawiarz, L., Hillert, J., Talbott, J., Bannier, E., Kerbrat, A., Edan, G., Labauge, P., Callot, V., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Rasoanandrianina, H., Brisset, J.-C., Valsasina, P., Rocca, M.A., Filippi, M., Bakshi, R., Tauhid, S., Prados, F., Yiannakas, M., Kearney, H., Ciccarelli, O., Smith, S.A., Andrada Treaba, C., Mainero, C., Lefeuvre, J., Reich, D.S., Nair, G., Shepherd, T.M., Charlson, E., Tachibana, Y., Hori, M., Kamiya, K., Chougar, L., Narayanan, S. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2019) ‘Spatial distribution of multiple sclerosis lesions in the cervical spinal cord’, Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 142(3), pp. 633–646. Available at:
Gros, C., De Leener, B., Badji, A., Maranzano, J., Eden, D., Dupont, S.M., Talbott, J., Zhuoquiong, R., Liu, Y., Granberg, T., Ouellette, R., Tachibana, Y., Hori, M., Kamiya, K., Chougar, L., Stawiarz, L., Hillert, J., Bannier, E., Kerbrat, A., Edan, G., Labauge, P., Callot, V., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Rasoanandrianina, H., Brisset, J.-C., Valsasina, P., Rocca, M.A., Filippi, M., Bakshi, R., Tauhid, S., Prados, F., Yiannakas, M., Kearney, H., Ciccarelli, O., Smith, S., Treaba, C.A., Mainero, C., Lefeuvre, J., Reich, D.S., Nair, G., Auclair, V., McLaren, D.G., Martin, A.R., Fehlings, M.G., Vahdat, S., Khatibi, A., Doyon, J., Shepherd, T., Charlson, E., Narayanan, S. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2019) ‘Automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and intramedullary multiple sclerosis lesions with convolutional neural networks’, NeuroImage, 184, pp. 901–915. Available at:
Massire, A., Rasoanandrianina, H., Taso, M., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P., Feiweier, T. and Callot, V. (2018) ‘Feasibility of single-shot multi-level multi-angle diffusion tensor imaging of the human cervical spinal cord at 7T’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 80(3), pp. 947–957. Available at:
Benacchio, S., Doutres, O., Le Troter, A., Varoquaux, A., Wagnac, E., Callot, V. and Sgard, F. (2018) ‘Estimation of the ear canal displacement field due to in-ear device insertion using a registration method on a human-like artificial ear’, Hearing Research, 365, pp. 16–27. Available at:
Gros, C., De Leener, B., Dupont, S.M., Martin, A.R., Fehlings, M.G., Bakshi, R., Tummala, S., Auclair, V., McLaren, D.G., Callot, V., Cohen-Adad, J. and Sdika, M. (2018) ‘Automatic spinal cord localization, robust to MRI contrasts using global curve optimization’, Medical Image Analysis, 44, pp. 215–227. Available at:
De Leener, B., Fonov, V.S., Collins, D.L., Callot, V., Stikov, N. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2018) ‘PAM50: Unbiased multimodal template of the brainstem and spinal cord aligned with the ICBM152 space’, NeuroImage, 165, pp. 170–179. Available at:
Fournely, M., Petit, Y., Wagnac, É., Laurin, J., Callot, V. and Arnoux, P.-J. (2018) ‘High-speed video analysis improves the accuracy of spinal cord compression measurement in a mouse contusion model’, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 293, pp. 1–5. Available at:
Rasoanandrianina, H., Grapperon, A.-M., Taso, M., Girard, O.M., Duhamel, G., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P., Attarian, S., Verschueren, A. and Callot, V. (2017) ‘Region-specific impairment of the cervical spinal cord (SC) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A preliminary study using SC templates and quantitative MRI (diffusion tensor imaging/inhomogeneous magnetization transfer)’, NMR in biomedicine, 30(12). Available at:
De Leener, B., Mangeat, G., Dupont, S., Martin, A.R., Callot, V., Stikov, N., Fehlings, M.G. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2017) ‘Topologically preserving straightening of spinal cord MRI’, Journal of magnetic resonance imaging: JMRI, 46(4), pp. 1209–1219. Available at:
Dupont, S.M., De Leener, B., Taso, M., Le Troter, A., Nadeau, S., Stikov, N., Callot, V. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2017) ‘Fully-integrated framework for the segmentation and registration of the spinal cord white and gray matter’, NeuroImage, 150, pp. 358–372. Available at:
De Leener, B., Levy, S., Dupont, S.M., Fonov, V.S., Stikov, N., Collins, D.L., Callot, V. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2017) ‘SCT: Spinal Cord Toolbox, an open-source software for processing spinal cord MRI data’, Neuroimage, 145, pp. 24–43. Available at:
Girard, O.M., Callot, V., Prevost, V.H., Robert, B., Taso, M., Ribeiro, G., Varma, G., Rangwala, N., Alsop, D.C. and Duhamel, G. (2017) ‘Magnetization transfer from inhomogeneously broadened lines (ihMT): Improved imaging strategy for spinal cord applications’, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 77, pp. 581–591. Available at:
Massire, A., Taso, M., Besson, P., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P. and Callot, V. (2016) ‘High-resolution multi-parametric quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of the human cervical spinal cord at 7T’, NeuroImage, 143, pp. 58–69. Available at:
Taso, M., Girard, O.M., Duhamel, G., Le Troter, A., Feiweier, T., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P. and Callot, V. (2016) ‘Tract-specific and age-related variations of the spinal cord microstructure: a multi-parametric MRI study using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and inhomogeneous magnetization transfer (ihMT)’, NMR in biomedicine, 29(6), pp. 817–832. Available at:
De Leener, B., Taso, M., Cohen-Adad, J. and Callot, V. (2016) ‘Segmentation of the human spinal cord’, Magma (New York, N.Y.), 29(2), pp. 125–153. Available at:
Fradet, L., Arnoux, P.-J., Callot, V. and Petit, Y. (2016) ‘Geometrical variations in white and gray matter affect the biomechanics of spinal cord injuries more than the arachnoid space’, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(8), p. 168781401666470. Available at:
Lévy, S., Benhamou, M., Naaman, C., Rainville, P., Callot, V. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2015) ‘White matter atlas of the human spinal cord with estimation of partial volume effect’, NeuroImage, 119, pp. 262–271. Available at:
Prevost, V.H., Girard, O.M., Callot, V., Cozzone, P.J. and Duhamel, G. (2015) ‘Fast imaging strategies for mouse kidney perfusion measurement with pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) at ultra high magnetic field (11.75 tesla)’, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 42(4), pp. 999–1008. Available at:
Taso, M., Fradet, L., Callot, V. and Arnoux, P.J. (2015) ‘Anteroposterior compression of the spinal cord leading to cervical myelopathy: a finite element analysis’, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 18 Suppl 1, pp. 2070–2071. Available at:
Taso, M., Le Troter, A., Sdika, M., Cohen-Adad, J., Arnoux, P.-J., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P. and Callot, V. (2015) ‘A reliable spatially normalized template of the human spinal cord - Applications to automated white matter/gray matter segmentation and tensor-based morphometry (TBM) mapping of gray matter alterations occurring with age’, NeuroImage, 117, pp. 20–28. Available at:
Fonov, V.S., Le Troter, A., Taso, M., De Leener, B., Lévêque, G., Benhamou, M., Sdika, M., Benali, H., Pradat, P.-F., Collins, D.L., Callot, V. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2014) ‘Framework for integrated MRI average of the spinal cord white and gray matter: The MNI-Poly-AMU template’, NeuroImage, 102 Pt 2, pp. 817–827. Available at:
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