AUDOIN Bertrand
Medical Doctor (MD)
Professor (MD, PhD)
at AMU and at AP-HMPhysician in neurology department MICeME (Maladie Inflammatoire du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière), University Hospital of Marseille, AP-HM
Medical Doctor (MD)
Professor (MD, PhD)
Detailed Activities
Current Research Interest:
– Structural, metabolic and functional brain and spinal cord MRI to follow patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)
– Application of Ultra High Field (7T) MRI in MS
– Therapeutic approaches in MS
Research Projects
Publications :
Guttieres, L., Vannelli, L., Demortiere, S., Perriguey, M., Elziere, M., Durozard, P., Boutiere, C., Rico, A., Hilezian, F., Stellmann, J.-P., Pelletier, J., Maarouf, A., Stolowy, N. and Audoin, B. (2025) ‘Fluorescein Angiography as a Surrogate Marker of Disease Activity in Susac Syndrome’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 12(2), p. e200379. Available at:
Villacieros-Álvarez, J., Espejo, C., Arrambide, G., Dinoto, A., Mulero, P., Rubio-Flores, L., Nieto, P., Alcalá, C., Meca-Lallana, J.E., Millan-Pascual, J., Martínez-García, P., Bernard-Valnet, R., González-Suárez, I., Orviz, A., Téllez, R., Navarro Cantó, L., Presas-Rodríguez, S., Martínez-Yélamos, S., Cuello, J.P., Alonso, A., Piñar Morales, R., Álvarez Bravo, G., Benyahya, L., Trouillet-Assant, S., Dyon-Tafan, V., Froment Tilikete, C., Ruet, A., Bourre, B., Deschamps, R., Papeix, C., Maillart, E., Kerschen, P., Ayrignac, X., Rovira, À., Auger, C., Audoin, B., Montalban, X., Tintore, M., Mariotto, S., Cobo-Calvo, A. and Marignier, R. (2025) ‘Profile and Usefulness of Serum Cytokines to Predict Prognosis in Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disease’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 12(2), p. e200362. Available at:
Ramdani, R., Pique, J., Deschamps, R., Ciron, J., Maillart, E., Audoin, B., Cohen, M., Zephir, H., Laplaud, D., Ayrignac, X., Collongues, N., Ruet, A., Thouvenot, E., Bourre, B., Papeix, C., Benyahya, L., Marignier, R. and NOMADMUS Study Group (2025) ‘Evaluation of the predictive value of CSF-restricted oligoclonal bands on residual disability and risk of relapse in adult patients with MOGAD: MOGADOC study’, Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), p. 13524585241311436. Available at:
Androdias, G., Lünemann, J.D., Maillart, E., Amato, M.P., Audoin, B., Bruijstens, A.L., Bsteh, G., Butzkueven, H., Ciccarelli, O., Cobo-Calvo, A., Derfuss, T., Di Pauli, F., Edan, G., Enzinger, C., Geraldes, R., Granziera, C., Hacohen, Y., Hartung, H.-P., Hynes, S., Inglese, M., Kappos, L., Kuusisto, H., Langer-Gould, A., Magyari, M., Marignier, R., Montalban, X., Mycko, M.P., Nourbakhsh, B., Oh, J., Oreja-Guevara, C., Piehl, F., Prosperini, L., Sastre-Garriga, J., Sellebjerg, F., Selmaj, K., Siva, A., Tallantyre, E., van Pesch, V., Vukusic, S., Weinstock-Guttman, B., Zipp, F., Tintoré, M., Iacobaeus, E. and Stankoff, B. (2024) ‘De-escalating and discontinuing disease-modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis’, Brain, p. awae409. Available at:
Durozard, P., Maarouf, A., Zaaraoui, W., Stellmann, J.-P., Boutière, C., Rico, A., Demortière, S., Guye, M., Le Troter, A., Dary, H., Ranjeva, J.-P., Audoin, B. and Pelletier, J. (2024) ‘Cortical Lesions as an Early Hallmark of Multiple Sclerosis: Visualization by 7 T MRI’, Investigative Radiology, 59(11), p. 747. Available at:
Maarouf, A., Stellmann, J.P., Rico, A., Boutiere, C., Demortiere, S., Durozard, P., Zaaraoui, W., Ranjeva, J.-P., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2024) ‘Active and non-active progression independent of relapse activity within the first 20 years of relapsing multiple sclerosis’, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, p. jnnp-2024-333597. Available at:
Graille-Avy, L., Boutiere, C., Rigollet, C., Perriguey, M., Rico, A., Demortiere, S., Durozard, P., Hilezian, F., Vely, F., Bertault-Peres, P., Pelletier, J., Maarouf, A. and Audoin, B. (2024) ‘Effect of Prior Treatment With Fingolimod on Early and Late Response to Rituximab/Ocrelizumab in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 11(3), p. e200231. Available at:
Demortiere, S., Joubert, B., Benaiteau, M., Hilezian, F., Boutiere, C., Rico, A., Stolowy, N., Dubois, V., Audoin, B., Maarouf, A. and Pelletier, J. (2024) ‘Anti-IgLON5 Disease With Inaugural Bilateral Neuropapillitis’, Neurology, 102(8), p. e209284. Available at:
Cruz, E.S., Fortanier, E., Hilezian, F., Maarouf, A., Boutière, C., Demortière, S., Rico, A., Delmont, E., Pelletier, J., Attarian, S. and Audoin, B. (2024) ‘Factors affecting the topography of nitrous oxide-induced neurological complications’, European Journal of Neurology, p. e16291. Available at:
Sole Cruz, E., Stolowy, N., Attia, R., Audoin, B. and Demortière, S. (2024) ‘Acute posterior ischemic optic neuropathy associated with a hypertensive crisis’, Revue Neurologique, 180(3), pp. 218–219. Available at:
Collongues, N., Durand-Dubief, F., Lebrun-Frenay, C., Audoin, B., Ayrignac, X., Bensa, C., Bigaut, K., Bourre, B., Carra-Dallière, C., Ciron, J., Defer, G., Kwiatkowski, A., Leray, E., Maillart, E., Marignier, R., Mathey, G., Morel, N., Thouvenot, E., Zéphir, H., Boucher, J., Boutière, C., Branger, P., Da Silva, A., Demortière, S., Guillaume, M., Hebant, B., Januel, E., Kerbrat, A., Manchon, E., Moisset, X., Montcuquet, A., Pierret, C., Pique, J., Poupart, J., Prunis, C., Roux, T., Schmitt, P., Androdias, G. and Cohen, M. (2024) ‘Cancer and multiple sclerosis: 2023 recommendations from the French Multiple Sclerosis Society’, Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), p. 13524585231223880. Available at:
Venet, M., Lepine, A., Maarouf, A., Biotti, D., Boutiere, C., Casez, O., Cohen, M., Durozard, P., Demortière, S., Giorgi, L., Maillart, E., Mathey, G., Mazzola, L., Rico, A., Camdessanche, J.-P., Deiva, K., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2024) ‘Control of disease activity with large extended-interval dosing of rituximab/ocrelizumab in highly active pediatric multiple sclerosis’, Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), p. 13524585231223068. Available at:
Attia, R., Fitoussi, R., Mairot, K., Demortiere, S., Stellman, J.-P., Tilsley, P., Audoin, B., David, T. and Stolowy, N. (2023) ‘Risk factors associated with progression from papilloedema to optic atrophy: results from a cohort of 113 patients’, BMJ open ophthalmology, 8(1), p. e001375. Available at:
Claverie, R., Perriguey, M., Rico, A., Boutiere, C., Demortiere, S., Durozard, P., Hilezian, F., Dubrou, C., Vely, F., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B. and Maarouf, A. (2023) ‘Efficacy of Rituximab Outlasts B-Cell Repopulation in Multiple Sclerosis: Time to Rethink Dosing?’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 10(5), p. e200152. Available at:
Testud, B., Fabiani, N., Demortière, S., Mchinda, S., Medina, N.L., Pelletier, J., Guye, M., Audoin, B., Stellmann, J.P. and Callot, V. (2023) ‘Contribution of the MP2RAGE 7T Sequence in MS Lesions of the Cervical Spinal Cord’, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 44(9), pp. 1101–1107. Available at:
Demortiere, S., Maarouf, A., Rico, A., Boutiere, C., Hilezian, F., Durozard, P., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2023) ‘Disease Evolution in Women With Highly Active MS Who Suspended Natalizumab During Pregnancy vs Rituximab/Ocrelizumab Before Conception’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 10(5), p. e200161. Available at:
Rode, J., Pique, J., Maarouf, A., Ayrignac, X., Bourre, B., Ciron, J., Cohen, M., Collongues, N., Deschamps, R., Maillart, E., Montcuquet, A., Papeix, C., Ruet, A., Wiertlewski, S., Zephir, H., Marignier, R. and Audoin, B. (2023) ‘Time to steroids impacts visual outcome of optic neuritis in MOGAD’, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 94(4), pp. 309–313. Available at:
Chen, J.J., Flanagan, E.P., Pittock, S.J., Stern, N.C., Tisavipat, N., Bhatti, M.T., Chodnicki, K.D., Tajfirouz, D.A., Jamali, S., Kunchok, A., Eggenberger, E.R., Nome, M.A.D., Sotirchos, E.S., Vasileiou, E.S., Henderson, A.D., Arnold, A.C., Bonelli, L., Moss, H.E., Navarro, S.E.V., Padungkiatsagul, T., Stiebel-Kalish, H., Lotan, I., Wilf-Yarkoni, A., Danesh-Meyer, H., Ivanov, S., Huda, S., Forcadela, M., Hodge, D., Poullin, P., Rode, J., Papeix, C., Saheb, S., Boudot de la Motte, M., Vignal, C., Hacohen, Y., Pique, J., Maillart, E., Deschamps, R., Audoin, B. and Marignier, R. (2023) ‘Visual Outcomes Following Plasma Exchange for Optic Neuritis: An International Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of 395 Optic Neuritis Attacks’, American Journal of Ophthalmology, pp. S0002-9394(23)00066–1. Available at:
Carra-Dallière, C., Rollot, F., Deschamps, R., Ciron, J., Vukusic, S., Audoin, B., Ruet, A., Maillart, E., Papeix, C., Zephir, H., Laplaud, D., Cohen, M., Bourre, B., El-Bahi, I., Labauge, P., Casey, R., Ayrignac, X. and Marignier, R. (2023) ‘Pregnancy and post-partum in patients with myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease’, Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 29(2), pp. 270–276. Available at:
Maarouf, A., Audoin, B., Gherib, S., El Mendili, M.M., Viout, P., Pariollaud, F., Boutière, C., Rico, A., Guye, M., Ranjeva, J.-P., Zaaraoui, W. and Pelletier, J. (2022) ‘Grey-matter sodium concentration as an individual marker of multiple sclerosis severity’, Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 28(12), pp. 1903–1912. Available at:
Poullet, Z., Pique, J., Maarouf, A., Boutiere, C., Rico, A., Demortiere, S., Durozard, P., Papeix, C., Maillart, E., Collongues, N., Ayrignac, X., Zephir, H., Deschamps, R., Ciron, J., Pelletier, J., Marignier, R. and Audoin, B. (2022) ‘Pure Relapsing Short Myelitis: Part of the Multiple Sclerosis Spectrum or New Entity?’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 9(4), p. e1167. Available at:
Januel, E., De Seze, J., Vermersch, P., Maillart, E., Bourre, B., Pique, J., Moisset, X., Bensa, C., Maarouf, A., Pelletier, J., Vukusic, S., Audoin, B. and Louapre, C. (2022) ‘Post-vaccine COVID-19 in patients with multiple sclerosis or neuromyelitis optica’, Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 28(7), pp. 1155–1159. Available at:
Demuth, S., Guillaume, M., Bourre, B., Ciron, J., Zephir, H., Sirejacob, Y., Kerbrat, A., Lebrun-Frenay, C., Papeix, C., Michel, L., Laplaud, D., Vukusic, S., Maillart, E., Cohen, M., Audoin, B., Marignier, R., Collongues, N. and NOMADMUS Study Group (2022) ‘Treatment regimens for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder attacks: a retrospective cohort study’, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 19(1), p. 62. Available at:
Perriguey, M., Maarouf, A., Stellmann, J.-P., Rico, A., Boutiere, C., Demortiere, S., Durozard, P., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2022) ‘Hypogammaglobulinemia and Infections in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Treated With Rituximab’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 9(1), p. e1115. Available at:
Ringelstein, M., Ayzenberg, I., Lindenblatt, G., Fischer, K., Gahlen, A., Novi, G., Hayward-Könnecke, H., Schippling, S., Rommer, P.S., Kornek, B., Zrzavy, T., Biotti, D., Ciron, J., Audoin, B., Berthele, A., Giglhuber, K., Zephir, H., Kümpfel, T., Berger, R., Röther, J., Häußler, V., Stellmann, J.-P., Whittam, D., Jacob, A., Kraemer, M., Gueguen, A., Deschamps, R., Bayas, A., Hümmert, M.W., Trebst, C., Haarmann, A., Jarius, S., Wildemann, B., Grothe, M., Siebert, N., Ruprecht, K., Paul, F., Collongues, N., Marignier, R., Levy, M., Karenfort, M., Deppe, M., Albrecht, P., Hellwig, K., Gold, R., Hartung, H.-P., Meuth, S.G., Kleiter, I., Aktas, O. and Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group (NEMOS) (2022) ‘Interleukin-6 Receptor Blockade in Treatment-Refractory MOG-IgG-Associated Disease and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders’, Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation, 9(1), p. e1100. Available at:
Rico, A., Ninove, L., Maarouf, A., Boutiere, C., Durozard, P., Demortiere, S., Saba Villarroel, P.M., Amroun, A., Fourié, T., de Lamballerie, X., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2021) ‘Determining the best window for BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 in patients with multiple sclerosis receiving anti-CD20 therapy’, Multiple Sclerosis Journal - Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 7(4), p. 20552173211062144. Available at:
Hilezian, F., Maarouf, A., Boutiere, C., Rico, A., Demortiere, S., Kerschen, P., Sene, T., Bensa-Koscher, C., Giannesini, C., Capron, J., Mekinian, A., Camdessanché, J.-P., Androdias, G., Marignier, R., Collongues, N., Casez, O., Coclitu, C., Vaillant, M., Mathey, G., Ciron, J., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2021) ‘TNF-α inhibitors used as steroid-sparing maintenance monotherapy in parenchymal CNS sarcoidosis’, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 92(8), pp. 890–896. Available at:
Has Silemek, A.C., Ranjeva, J.-P., Audoin, B., Heesen, C., Gold, S.M., Kühn, S., Weygandt, M. and Stellmann, J.-P. (2021) ‘Delayed access to conscious processing in multiple sclerosis: Reduced cortical activation and impaired structural connectivity’, Human Brain Mapping, 42(11), pp. 3379–3395. Available at:
Perez, T., Rico, A., Boutière, C., Maarouf, A., Roudot, M., Honoré, S., Pelletier, J., Bertault-Peres, P. and Audoin, B. (2021) ‘Comparison of rituximab originator (MabThera®) to biosimilar (Truxima®) in patients with multiple sclerosis’, Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), 27(4), pp. 585–592. Available at:
Chard, D.T., Alahmadi, A.A.S., Audoin, B., Charalambous, T., Enzinger, C., Hulst, H.E., Rocca, M.A., Rovira, À., Sastre-Garriga, J., Schoonheim, M.M., Tijms, B., Tur, C., Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M., Wink, A.M., Ciccarelli, O., Barkhof, F. and MAGNIMS Study Group (2021) ‘Mind the gap: from neurons to networks to outcomes in multiple sclerosis’, Nature Reviews. Neurology, 17(3), pp. 173–184. Available at:
Stellmann, J.-P., Wanke, N., Maarouf, A., Gellißen, S., Heesen, C., Audoin, B., Gold, S.M., Zaaraoui, W. and Poettgen, J. (2021) ‘Cognitive performance shows domain specific associations with regional cortical thickness in multiple sclerosis’, NeuroImage. Clinical, 30, p. 102606. Available at:
Massire, A., Seiler, C., Troalen, T., Girard, O.M., Lehmann, P., Brun, G., Bartoli, A., Audoin, B., Bartolomei, F., Pelletier, J., Callot, V., Kober, T., Ranjeva, J.-P. and Guye, M. (2021) ‘T1-Based Synthetic Magnetic Resonance Contrasts Improve Multiple Sclerosis and Focal Epilepsy Imaging at 7 T’, Investigative Radiology, 56(2), pp. 127–133. Available at:
Luciani, L., Ninove, L., Zandotti, C., Chalvignac, V., Lagier, D., Baume, J., Mélade, J., Piorkowski, G., Coutard, B., Lepidi, H., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Rico-Lamy, A. and Nougairède, A. (2021) ‘Fatal underhanded chronic enterovirus infection associated with anti-CD20 monotherapy for central nervous system demyelinating disease’, Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 27(2), pp. 320–323. Available at:
Cobo‐Calvo, A., Ruiz, A., Rollot, F., Arrambide, G., Deschamps, R., Maillart, E., Papeix, C., Audoin, B., Lépine, A.F., Maurey, H., Zephir, H., Biotti, D., Ciron, J., Durand‐Dubief, F., Collongues, N., Ayrignac, X., Labauge, P., Meyer, P., Thouvenot, E., Bourre, B., Montcuquet, A., Cohen, M., Horello, P., Tintoré, M., De Seze, J., Vukusic, S., Deiva, K., Marignier, R. and the NOMADMUS, KidBioSEP, and OFSEP study groups (2021) ‘Clinical Features and Risk of Relapse in Children and Adults with Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody–Associated Disease’, Annals of Neurology, 89(1), pp. 30–41. Available at:
Giovannelli, J., Ciron, J., Cohen, M., Kim, H.-J., Kim, S.-H., Stellmann, J.-P., Kleiter, I., McCreary, M., Greenberg, B.M., Deschamps, R., Audoin, B., Maillart, E., Papeix, C., Collongues, N., Bourre, B., Laplaud, D., Ayrignac, X., Durand-Dubief, F., Ruet, A., Vukusic, S., Marignier, R., Dauchet, L., Zephir, H. and NEMOS (Neuromyelitis Optica Study Group in Germany), O. (Observatoire F. de la S. en P. investigators, NOMADMUS (Neuromyelitis Optica study Group in France) (2021) ‘A meta-analysis comparing first-line immunosuppressants in neuromyelitis optica’, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 8(10), pp. 2025–2037. Available at:
Roos, I., Leray, E., Frascoli, F., Casey, R., Brown, J.W.L., Horakova, D., Havrdova, E.K., Trojano, M., Patti, F., Izquierdo, G., Eichau, S., Onofrj, M., Lugaresi, A., Prat, A., Girard, M., Grammond, P., Sola, P., Ferraro, D., Ozakbas, S., Bergamaschi, R., Sá, M.J., Cartechini, E., Boz, C., Granella, F., Hupperts, R., Terzi, M., Lechner-Scott, J., Spitaleri, D., Van Pesch, V., Soysal, A., Olascoaga, J., Prevost, J., Aguera-Morales, E., Slee, M., Csepany, T., Turkoglu, R., Sidhom, Y., Gouider, R., Van Wijmeersch, B., McCombe, P., Macdonell, R., Coles, A., Malpas, C.B., Butzkueven, H., Vukusic, S., Kalincik, T., the MSBase, Duquette, P., Grand’Maison, F., Iuliano, G., Ramo-Tello, C., Solaro, C., Cabrera-Gomez, J.A., Rio, M.E., Bolaños, R.F., Shaygannejad, V., Oreja-Guevara, C., Sanchez-Menoyo, J.L., Petersen, T., Altintas, A., Barnett, M., Flechter, S., Fragoso, Y., Amato, M.P., Moore, F., Ampapa, R., Verheul, F., Hodgkinson, S., Cristiano, E., Yamout, B., Laureys, G., Dominguez, J.A., Zwanikken, C., Deri, N., Dobos, E., Vrech, C., Butler, E., Rozsa, C., Petkovska-Boskova, T., Karabudak, R., Rajda, C., Alkhaboori, J., Saladino, M.L., Shaw, C., Shuey, N., Vucic, S., Sempere, A.P., Campbell, J., Piroska, I., Taylor, B., van der Walt, A., Kappos, L., Roullet, E., Gray, O., Simo, M., Sirbu, C.-A., OFSEP investigators, Brochet, B., Cotton, F., De Sèze, J., Dion, A., Douek, P., Guillemin, F., Laplaud, D., Lebrun-Frenay, C., Moreau, T., Olaiz, J., Pelletier, J., Rigaud-Bully, C., Stankoff, B., Marignier, R., Debouverie, M., Edan, G., Ciron, J., Ruet, A., Collongues, N., Lubetzki, C., Vermersch, P., Labauge, P., Defer, G., Cohen, M., Fromont, A., Wiertlewsky, S., Berger, E., Clavelou, P., Audoin, B., Giannesini, C., Gout, O., Thouvenot, E., Heinzlef, O., Al-Khedr, A., Bourre, B., Casez, O., Cabre, P., Montcuquet, A., Créange, A., Camdessanché, J.-P., Faure, J., Maurousset, A., Patry, I., Hankiewicz, K., Pottier, C., Maubeuge, N., Labeyrie, C. and Nifle, C. (2020) ‘Delay from treatment start to full effect of immunotherapies for multiple sclerosis’, Brain, 143(9), pp. 2742–2756. Available at:
Kerbrat, A., Gros, C., Badji, A., Bannier, E., Galassi, F., Combès, B., Chouteau, R., Labauge, P., Ayrignac, X., Carra-Dalliere, C., Maranzano, J., Granberg, T., Ouellette, R., Stawiarz, L., Hillert, J., Talbott, J., Tachibana, Y., Hori, M., Kamiya, K., Chougar, L., Lefeuvre, J., Reich, D.S., Nair, G., Valsasina, P., Rocca, M.A., Filippi, M., Chu, R., Bakshi, R., Callot, V., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B., Maarouf, A., Collongues, N., De Seze, J., Edan, G. and Cohen-Adad, J. (2020) ‘Multiple sclerosis lesions in motor tracts from brain to cervical cord: spatial distribution and correlation with disability’, Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 143(7), pp. 2089–2105. Available at:
Rasoanandrianina, H., Demortière, S., Trabelsi, A., Ranjeva, J.P., Girard, O., Duhamel, G., Guye, M., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Sensitivity of the Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer Imaging Technique to Spinal Cord Damage in Multiple Sclerosis’, American Journal of Neuroradiology, 41(5), pp. 929–937. Available at:
Poupart, J., Giovannelli, J., Deschamps, R., Audoin, B., Ciron, J., Maillart, E., Papeix, C., Collongues, N., Bourre, B., Cohen, M., Wiertlewski, S., Outteryck, O., Laplaud, D., Vukusic, S., Marignier, R., Zephir, H. and NOMADMUS study group (2020) ‘Evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of first-line therapies in NMOSD’, Neurology, 94(15), pp. e1645–e1656. Available at:
Demortiere, S., Rico, A., Maarouf, A., Boutiere, C., Pelletier, J. and Audoin, B. (2020) ‘Maintenance of natalizumab during the first trimester of pregnancy in active multiple sclerosis’, Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), p. 1352458520912637. Available at:
Durozard, P., Rico, A., Boutiere, C., Maarouf, A., Lacroix, R., Cointe, S., Fritz, S., Brunet, C., Pelletier, J., Marignier, R. and Audoin, B. (2020) ‘Comparison of the Response to Rituximab between Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein and Aquaporin-4 Antibody Diseases’, Annals of Neurology, 87(2), pp. 256–266. Available at:
on behalf of the OFSEP, SFSEP, and NOMADMUS study groups, Maillart, E., Durand-Dubief, F., Louapre, C., Audoin, B., Bourre, B., Derache, N., Ciron, J., Collongues, N., de Sèze, J., Cohen, M., Lebrun-Frenay, C., Hadhoum, N., Zéphir, H., Deschamps, R., Carra-Dallière, C., Labauge, P., Kerschen, P., Montcuquet, A., Wiertlewski, S., Laplaud, D., Runavot, G., Vukusic, S., Papeix, C. and Marignier, R. (2020) ‘Outcome and risk of recurrence in a large cohort of idiopathic longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis without AQP4/MOG antibodies’, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 17(1), p. 128. Available at:
Maarouf, A., Rico, A., Boutiere, C., Perriguey, M., Demortiere, S., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B. and Under the aegis of OFSEP (2020) ‘Extending rituximab dosing intervals in patients with MS during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond?’, Neurology - Neuroimmunology Neuroinflammation, 7(5), p. e825. Available at:
Demortière, S., Lehmann, P., Pelletier, J., Audoin, B. and Callot, V. (2020) ‘Improved Cervical Cord Lesion Detection with 3D-MP2RAGE Sequence in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis’, AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 41(6), pp. 1131–1134. Available at:
Stellmann, J.-P., Maarouf, A., Schulz, K.-H., Baquet, L., Pöttgen, J., Patra, S., Penner, I.-K., Gellißen, S., Ketels, G., Besson, P., Ranjeva, J.-P., Guye, M., Nolte, G., Engel, A.K., Audoin, B., Heesen, C. and Gold, S.M. (2020) ‘Aerobic Exercise Induces Functional and Structural Reorganization of CNS Networks in Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial’, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, p. 255. Available at:
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